Friday, April 22, 2011

Notes from China: Chapter 34: 苦肉计: Inflict Injury On One's Self to Win the Enemy's Trust

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34th Stratagem


(kǔ ròu jì)

Inflict Injury On One's Self to Win the Enemy's Trust

In 227 B.C., the assassin Jing Ke (荆轲, died 227 B.C.) was sent to kill King Zheng (秦王政, 221-210 B.C.) of Qin. King Zheng was outraged at General Huan Yi (桓齮, died 227 B.C.) of Qin, a friend of Jing Ke, for betraying him, and so Jing Ke thought the only way he would be able to get close to King Zheng was to offer him his friend's head. Jing Ke discussed the plan with Huan Yi, and Huan Yi, himself wanting vengeance against the King, agreed to commit suicide so that his head could be collected. So Jing Ke brought the King the head of his friend, and although the assassination was not successful, he was able to get close enough to kill him [26].

Inflict Injury On One's Self to Win the Enemy's Trust is associated with the 35th hexagram, Fire over Earth, an image suggestive of the sun advancing over the Earth. Notice in the 36th hexagram that Fire has now been covered by the Earth, and that the strong yang lines are now suppressed beneath the weak yin lines, suggesting that one's light and intelligence have been intentionally hidden beneath a feigned injury [1], [28].




challenge: 挑战: tiǎozhàn

too loud: 太响了: tài xiǎngle

not loud enough: 不够响: bùgòu xiǎng

Winter vacation: 寒假: hánjià

Summer vacation: 暑假: shǔjià

muscle: 肌肉: jīròu

to allow: 允许: yǔnxǔ

permit/license: 许可: xǔkě

immigrate: 移民: yí mín

slippery: : huá

record: 记录: jìlù

sticky: : nián

flesh: /肉体: ròu/ròutǐ

to type (e.g. on a keyboard): 打字: dǎzì

Jing Ke: 荆轲: jīngkē

to trade: 交换: jiāohuàn

speed: 速度: sùdù

cooked: 熟的: shú de

uncooked: 没熟/生的: méi shú/shēng de

to behave/behavior: 表现: biǎoxiàn

pain: 痛苦: tòngkǔ

to confirm: 确认: quèrèn

to create: 创造: chuàngzào

creative/creativity: 创造性: chuàngzàoxìng

Qingwang Zheng: 秦王政: qínwáng zhèng

to collect: 收藏: shōucáng

to disappear: 消失: xiāoshī

to enter (into): 进入: jìnrù

to block/seal up: 封闭/封起来: fēngbì/fēng qǐlái 

to spill/sprinkle: : sǎ

to prevent (e.g. somebody from doing something): 阻止: zǔzhǐ

to type a paper (e.g. on a computer): 把论文打进电脑: bǎ lùnwén dǎ jìn diànnǎo

New Characters:














Sample Sentences 34:

1) 把这篇论文打进电脑对他来说是一个挑战。

Trans.: It was a challenge for him to type the paper into the computer.

2) Q: 地毯为什么很粘?

    A: 因为小龙把橙汁洒在地上了。

3) 注意安全,地上有冰,很滑。

Trans.: Be careful, there is ice on the ground and it’s very slippery.

4) 锻炼后,他觉得腿上的肌肉疼。

5) 老虎是食肉动物。

6) 政府要阻止这些移民人进入我们的国家。

7) 没有工作许可,他不允许在这里工作。

8) 我不太喜欢他今天的表现。

9) 关于要不要和我们交换 ,他们还没有确认。

10) 她对艺术的热情消失了,她没有和以前一样的创造性了。

11) 他是学校的老师,所以他有暑假和寒假。

12) 这个超市被封起来了。

13) 只吃蔬菜对我来说很痛苦。

14) 这个音响不够响,但是那个太响了。

15) 在中国,很少有人吃生的肉。

16) 他喜欢收藏旧硬币。

17) 他不喜欢吃肉,除非是熟的。

18) 他打字的速度创造了一个新记录。


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