29th Stratagem
(shù shàng kāi huā)
Deck the Tree With False Blossoms
It is said that Emperor Yang (隋炀帝, 569-618 A.D.) of Sui would try to dazzle traveling merchants by offering grand concerts and free feasts. He would even decorate the winter trees with flowers of silk to make it appear as though spring had arrived.
Deck the Tree With False Blossoms is associated with the 53rd hexagram, Wood over Mountain. On the still and silent Mountain a tree grows slowly, weak though firmly rooted, symbolizing movement that proceeds gradually, allowing for transcendence over ordinary affairs [1], [28].
Sui Yang Di: 隋炀帝: suí yáng dì
required/necessary: 必要: bìyào
for: 为了: wèile
program (e.g. on television): 节目: jiémù
host (of an activity): 主持人: zhǔchí rén
to discover/find: 发现: fāxiàn
to bloom/to flower: 开花: kāihuā
(small) box: 盒子: hézi
go away: 走开: zǒu kāi
sweatshirt: 卫衣: wèiyī
program (e.g. for a computer): 程序: chéngxù
to modify/edit: 修改: xiūgǎi
to sign in: 登记: dēngjì
by (or passive tense indicator): 被: bèi
nervous/tense: 紧张: jǐnzhāng
vacation/holiday: 假期: jiàqī
<measure word for a flower>: 朵: duǒ
just in case: 以防万一: yǐ fáng wàn yī
to be late: 迟到: chídào
example: 例子: lìzi
to give an example: 举例子: jǔ lìzi
hurry: 赶紧: gǎnjǐn
fried beef dumpling: 牛肉锅贴: niúròu guōtiē
word: 单词: dāncí
to relax: 放松: fàngsōng
download: 下载: xiàzài
cartoon: 动画片: dònghuà piàn
cooperation: 合作: hézuò
run (e.g. to run a program): 运行: yùnxíng
for example: 例如: lìrú
extra (additional): 额外的: éwài de
dirty: 脏: zāng
to get dirty: 弄脏: nòng zāng
New Characters:
Sample Sentences 29:
1) 没有必要为了拍照买新的衬衫。
Trans.: There’s no need to buy a new shirt for a photo shoot.
2) 我不太喜欢那个节目的主持人,他经常很紧张。
Trans.: I don’t like the host of that show very much, he is always very nervous.
3) 我不想看这部电视剧,我想看动画片!
4) 先下载程序, 然后运行。
5) Q: 你还在修改那篇论文吗?
A: 没有, 我已经向杂志提交过了。
6) 到了春天,它就会开花了。
7) 这朵花送给你。
8) I. 假期为什么 都不能放松?
II. 因为我的小孩要参加的活动太多了。
III. 例如呢?
9) 赶紧走,别迟到了。
10) 我刚刚发现,我把钱包忘在车里了。
12) 你举的例子有很多有意义的单词。
13) 我现在不想跟你说话,走开!
14) 我的公司和他们的公司有合作。
15) Q: 你的卫衣怎么这么脏?
A: 刚刚吃了牛肉锅贴,弄脏了。
16) 你的工作材料登记了吗?
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