Ninth Stratagem
(gé àn guān huǒ)
Watch the Fires Burning from Across the River
Delay entering the field of battle until the enemy becomes exhausted with internal conflict.
In 207 A.D., the two brothers Yuan Shang (袁尚, died 207 A.D.) and Yuan Xi (袁熙, died 207 A.D.) fled into Liaodong after being defeated by Cao Cao's forces, with whom a third brother had himself been allied. They pleaded with Gongsun Kang (公孙康), administrator of Liaodong, for aid in their fight against Cao Cao. Gongsun Kang killed and beheaded the two brothers, and sent their heads to Cao Cao, who made him Duke as a reward [4].
Watch the Fires Burning from Across the River is associated with the sixteenth hexagram, Thunder over Earth. Thunder represents motion and vigor while Earth represents a state of obedience and submission, in the sense that Thunder will burst forth and the Earth will quake in response. Note that Thunder most often occurs in the Spring, when the conditions are most favorable. Likewise, in warfare, the element of surprise is successfully carried out only under favorable conditions [1], [28].
afraid: 害怕: hàipà
crazy: 疯狂: fēngkuáng
rich: 有钱: yǒu qián
poor: 穷: qióng
smart: 聪明: cōngmíng
stupid/silly: 愚蠢: yúchǔn
dark: 黑暗的/深色的: hēi'àn de/shēn sè de
clear: 清楚: qīngchǔ
at a distance from: 隔: gé
funny: 有趣/搞笑: yǒuqù/gǎoxiào
fun (adjective): 开心: kāixīn
strong (brave): 坚强: jiānqiáng
strong (physical): 强壮: qiángzhuàng
beer: 啤酒: píjiǔ
shore/(river) bank: 岸: àn
strong (general): 强烈: qiángliè
strong/heavy (taste): 浓: nóng
weak/cowardly: 懦弱: nuòruò
weak (physical): 虚弱: xūruò
weak (general): 微弱: wēiruò
weak/light (taste): 淡: dàn
health/healthy: 健康: jiànkāng
loud/noisy: 响/吵: xiǎng/chǎo
sour: 酸: suān
sweet: 甜: tián
bitter: 苦: kǔ
spicy (hot): 辣: là
gym: 健身房: jiànshēnfáng
playground/stadium: 体育场: tǐyùchǎng
signal (e.g wifi/cell signal): 信号: xìnhào
yogurt: 酸奶: suānnǎi
place (location): 地方: dìfāng
to watch/to observe: 观察: guānchá
coffee: 咖啡: kāfēi
to smile: 微笑: wēixiào
to laugh: 大笑: dà xiào
unable to...: ...不到: ...bù dào
long time no see: 好久不见: hǎojiǔ bùjiàn
most: 最: zuì
to lift: 举: jǔ
sorry: 对不起: duìbùqǐ
excuse me (may I ask ...): 问一下: wèn yīxià
lemon: 柠檬: níngméng
to move: 动/移动: dòng/yídòng
in (the middle of): 在...中: zài... zhōng
sick/uncomfortable: 生病/不舒服: shēngbìng/bù shūfú
for...(e.g. too much sugar is bad for you): 对...: duì...
New Characters:
Sample Sentences 9:
1) Q: 他在黑暗的地方吗?
A: 是的,他在黑暗中。
Q: 他不害怕黑吗?
A: 不怕。
2) Q: 你怕辣吗?
A: 我不怕。我很喜欢吃辣。
3) 这个咖啡很淡,有没有浓一点的?
Trans.: This coffee is too light, do you have some that is stronger?
5) 我隔着玻璃窗看到岸上有一只狗。
6) 请观察球是怎么移动的。
7) 那个音乐不够响,我听不到。
Trans.: That music is not loud enough, I can’t hear it.
8) 我最喜欢苦啤酒。
9) 我不够强壮去移动桌子。
10) 她的病刚好,但是还很虚弱。
11) 很多有钱人住在这里。
12) 这个地方的穷人不上学。
13) 我们去健身房锻炼身体。
14) Q: 问一下,你知道体育场在哪吗?
A: 对不起,我不太清楚。
15) 我不喜欢这一种玻璃,因为不够清楚。
16) 我觉得这样做很愚蠢。
17) 因为他很有趣,他让我们大笑。
18) 我不喜欢吃甜的酸奶。
19) 这些柠檬最酸。
20) 抽烟对健康不好。
21) 在雨中跑步不开心。
22) 因为不舒服,他们今天没上学。
23) 她很聪明,但是也很疯狂。
24) 这里的风很强。
25) 信号不好,手机用不了。
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