Saturday, March 12, 2011

Notes from China: Chapter 5: 趁火打劫: Loot a Burning House

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Fifth Stratagem


(chèn huǒ dǎ jié)

Loot a Burning House

A country so beset with internal conflict that it is unable to contend with an outside threat is open to attack.

In the days leading up to the Battle of Gaixia (202 B.C.), both Chu and Han forces were exhausted by a lengthy siege, and agreed to a peace treaty. Once the overly tired Chu began their retreat from Han territory, Generals Han Xin (韩信, 231-196 B.C.) and Zhang Liang (张良, 251-186 B.C.) made the following suggestion to Emperor Liu Bang (刘邦, 256-195 B.C.) of Han: "We already control half of the Empire. Even within Chu, many governors prefer that we rule, and will not support Xiang Yu (项羽,

236 - 202 B.C.) unless forced to. The men of Chu are tired and short of food. The heaven's have decided to end Xiang Yu's reign. If we let Xiang Yu escape, it is like allowing a tiger to live that it may kill its owner later. We must strike now and end this threat." After some meditation, Liu Bang gave the order and Xiang Yu was taken down and, eventually, the Chu with him [18], [29].

Loot a Burning House is associated with the 43rd hexagram, Lake over Sky. The yin line in the topmost position is being pushed out. One interpretation is that, while an internal conflict exists (as Yin is inherently internally conflicted), one may take advantage [1], [28].




fire: : h

triangle: 三角形: sānjiǎoxíng

square: 正方形: zhèngfāngxíng

circle: 圆形: yuánxíng

soon: : kuài

for example: 例如: lìrú

except: 除了: chúle

to beat: : dǎ

unless: 除非: chúfēi

do not: /不要: bié/bùyào

shape: 形状: xíngzhuàng

arm: 膀子: bǎngzi

leg: : tuǐ

hand: : shǒu

foot: : jiǎo

finger: : shǒuzhǐ

toe: : jiǎozhǐ

tongue: 舌头: shétou

cell (mobile) phone: 手机: shǒujī

pencil: 铅笔: qiānbǐ

pen: 钢笔: gāngbǐ

steel: : gāng

notebook/laptop: 笔记本: bǐjìběn

computer: 电脑: diànnǎo

electricity: /电力: diàn/diànlì

power/force: : lì

mountain: : shān

eye: 眼睛: yǎnjīng

mouth: /嘴巴: zuǐ/zuǐbā

<measure word for computer/tv>: : tái

robbery: 打劫: dǎjié

house: : jiā

family: 家庭/家人: jiātíng/jiārén

mother: 妈妈: māma

father: 爸爸: bàba

little brother: 弟弟: dìdi

big brother: 哥哥: gēge

little sister: 妹妹: mèimei

big sister: 姐姐: jiějie

uncle: 叔叔: shūshu

aunt: 阿姨: āyí

grandfather: 爷爷: yéye

grandmother: 奶奶: nǎinai

because: 因为: yīnwèi

all/both: : dōu

stomach: : wèi

to take advantage(of the occasion): 趁机: chènjī

<verb modifier (suffix) meaning ‘unable to’>: 不了: bùliǎo



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Sample Sentences 5:

1) Q: 这些形状是什么颜色的?

    A: 正方形是红色的,三角形是蓝色的,还有圆形是黄色的。

2) 你快要上学 我们需要买一些东西,例如:笔记本,铅笔,钢笔,一台电脑。

4) 在山上,手机用不了。

Trans.: On the mountain, cell phones are of no use.

5) 火太小了,我们需要更多木头。

6) 我的家人都有手机,除了我。

Trans.: All of family have cell phones, except me.

7) 我们有很大的家庭。我有:两个哥哥,一个姐姐,两个妹妹,还有一个弟弟。

8) 爷爷是我爸爸的爸爸,奶奶是我爸爸的妈妈。

9) 我的家里现在没有电。

10) 谁被打了?

11) 那个小店被人打劫了,有人趁机拿走了东西。

12) 那是和阿叔叔姨的笔记本。

13) 别吃这个因为你的胃不好。

14) 它的膀子和腿是木头做的, 但是它的手指还有手指是钢做的。

15) 他的眼睛和嘴很大。

16) 别用力,除非你需要这样。

17) 你喜不喜欢吃牛舌(头)?



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