Sunday, August 13, 2017

Searching for symmetric incidence structures in finite fields with MAGMA

Here we write MAGMA code to search for difference sets and almost difference sets in finite fields. We begin by creating several functions.
D := function(d,p,n)                    //creates set of dth power residues in GF(p,n)
    x := PrimitiveElement(GF(p,n))^d;
    DD := {GF(p,n)|};
    for i in {0..p^n-1} do
    end for;
    return DD;
end function;
Di := function(d,p,n,i)             //creates set ith class of dth power residues in GF(p,n)
    x := PrimitiveElement(GF(p,n))^i;
    return {GF(p,n)|x*a:a in D(d,p,n)};
end function;
C_union := function(A,d,p,n)            //creates union of cyclotomic classes over set A of indices
    X := {};
    for i in A do
        X := X join Di(d,p,n,i);
    end for;
    return X;
end function;
C_un_plus := function(A,d,p,n,w1)       //creates additive translate of union by w1 of dth power power residues
    X := {};
    for x in C_union(A,d,p,n) do
        Include(~X,x + w1);
    end for;
    return X;
end function;
C_C_un_plus := function(A,d,p,n,w1)   //returns intersection of union of classes with additive translate of union
    return C_union(A,d,p,n) meet C_un_plus(A,d,p,n,w1);
end function;
All_d_C := function(A,d,p,n)      //collects all intersection sizes into set and returns the set       
    Z := {};
    for w1 in GF(p,n) do
        Include(~Z,# C_C_un_plus(A,d,p,n,w1));
    end for;
    return Z;
end function;end function;
And here we carry out some searches.
for n in {3} do   //searching in GF(7,3) for almost difference sets by taking unions of 6th power residues
for p in {7} do
    if IsPrime(p) then
        if p^n mod 6 eq 1 then    
            for A in Subsets({0..d-1}) do
                if # All_d_C(A,d,p,n) lt 10 then
                    print A,d,p,n,All_d_C(A,d,p,n);
                end if;
            end for;
        end if;
    end if;
end for;
end for;

for p in {5..101} do
    if IsPrime(p) then
        if p^n mod 4 eq 1 then    
            for A in Subsets({0,2},2) do
                if # All_d_C(A,d,p,n) eq 3 then
                    print A,d,p,n,All_d_C(A,d,p,n);
                end if;
            end for;
        end if;
    end if;
end for;

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