A spline is a interpolating function. When data has a cubic shape (i.e. if plotted resembles the graph of a cubic polynomial) one can try to model the data using a cubic spline. A natural cubic spline must have a knot at every point and if x is an endpoint, the f''(x) = 0. The following shows how to find a cubic spline in Sage with the five points given by: X = (0, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6), Y = (1, 4, .5, 0, 3.5). I had some help from here:
In the above code I have found a cubic spline for the following five points: X = (0, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6), Y = (1, 4, .5, 0, 3.5) (one can see these entered in lines 73 and 74 above). When run in sage you get:
1: import numpy as np
3: # Array Array Array -> Array Array Array
4: # interp. helper function whose input is three parameters (from data_curvtr function) and output is three parameters
5: # to give to the first3solv function
7: def first3(c,d,e):
8: n = d.shape[0]
9: for i in xrange(1,n):
10: kappa = c[i-1]/d[i-1]
11: d[i] = d[i] - kappa*e[i-1]
12: c[i-1] = kappa
13: return c,d,e
15: # Array Array Array Array -> Array
16: # interp. helper function whose input is four arrays (three from the first3 function, and one from the data_curvtr # function) whose output is a single array
18: def first3solv(c,d,e,b):
19: n = d.shape[0]
20: for i in xrange(1,n):
21: b[i] = b[i] - c[i-1]*b[i-1]
23: b[n-1] = b[n-1]/d[n-1]
24: for i in xrange(n-2,-1,-1):
25: b[i] = (b[i] - e[i]*b[i+1])/d[i]
27: return b
29: # Array Array -> Array
30: # interp. consumes a list of x-values and a list of y-values and returns the curvatures to be used in the cubic spline
31: # algorithm
33: def data_curvtr(xArray,yArray):
34: n = len(xArray) - 1
35: c = np.zeros(n)
36: d = np.ones(n+1)
37: e = np.zeros(n)
38: k = np.zeros(n+1)
39: c[0:n-1]= xArray[0:n-1] - xArray[1:n]
40: d[1:n] = 2.0*(xArray[0:n-1] - xArray[2:n+1])
41: e[1:n] = xArray[1:n] - xArray[2:n+1]
42: k[1:n] = 6.0*(yArray[0:n-1] - yArray[1:n]) \
43: /(xArray[0:n-1] - xArray[1:n]) \
44: -6.0*(yArray[1:n] - yArray[2:n+1]) \
45: /(xArray[1:n] - xArray[2:n+1])
46: first3(c,d,e)
47: print "c =",c,"d =",d,"e =",e
48: first3solv(c,d,e,k)
49: return k
51: # Array Array Array Number -> Number
52: # interp. consumes the data lists, the curvatures, and an x-value, and carries out the cubic spline algorithm
53: # to produce the height of the spline at the x-value
56: def get_spline(xArray,yArray,k,x):
57: def get_segment(xArray,x):
58: i_left = 0
59: i_right = len(xArray)- 1
60: while 1:
61: if (i_right-i_left)<=1: return i_left
62: i=(i_left+i_right)//2
63: if x < xArray[i]: i_right=i
64: else: i_left=i
65: i=get_segment(xArray,x)
66: h = xArray[i]-xArray[i+1]
67: y = ((x-xArray[i+1])**3/h-(x-xArray[i+1])*h)*k[i]/6.0 \
68: - ((x-xArray[i])**3/h-(x-xArray[i])*h)*k[i+1]/6.0 \
69: + (yArray[i]*(x-xArray[i+1]) \
70: - yArray[i+1]*(x-xArray[i]))/h
71: return y
73: xA1=np.array([0.,1.5,3.,4.5,6.])
74: yA1=np.array([1.,4.,.5,0.,3.5])
75: print "X =",xA1,"Y =",yA1
77: k= data_curvtr(xA1,yA1)
78: print "k =",k
80: y= get_spline(xA1,yA1,k,.5)
81: print "y =",y
83: var ( 'x t' )
84: n=len(xA1)
85: P=list_plot(zip(xA1,yA1), color="green", size=30)
86: C=sum(point((t,get_spline(xA1,yA1,k,t))) for t in [xA1[0]..xA1[n-1], step=0.1])
87: show(P+C)
In the above code I have found a cubic spline for the following five points: X = (0, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6), Y = (1, 4, .5, 0, 3.5) (one can see these entered in lines 73 and 74 above). When run in sage you get:
X = [ 0. 1.5 3. 4.5 6. ] Y = [ 1. 4. 0.5 0. 3.5]
c = [-1.5 0.25 0.26666667 -0. ] d = [ 1. -6. -5.625 -5.6 1. ] e = [ 0. -1.5 -1.5 -1.5]
k = [ 0. -5.02380952 2.76190476 1.97619048 0. ]
y = 2.5582010582
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